COVID-19 Policies and Procedures at Asphalt Green
COVID-19 Procedures and Policies at Asphalt Green
Updated October 20, 2022.

Table of Contents
- Every member and program user is required to sign a code of conduct agreement acknowledging understanding of Asphalt Green’s new COVID-19 procedures. Members and program users must agree not to visit the facility if experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms outlined by the CDC. Asphalt Green has a no-tolerance policy for non-compliance. Members violating any COVID-19 safety procedures risk having their membership temporarily or permanently revoked; program users will have their visitation rights suspended or terminated.
- Guests are not permitted. As of December 1, 2021, day passes are available for $35. Please reach out to for more information about guest passes for our Upper East Side campus and for more information about guest passes at our Battery Park City campus. As of June 28, 2021, visitors must use our online reservation system for group exercise and water exercise classes only.
- Check-in and entry process to the facility is contactless through use of key cards and electronic sensor gates. Floor markings indicate where customers needing assistance can wait.
- Cafés are closed at both locations until further notice.
- Trained staff members are available throughout the facility to answer any questions and reinforce our new policies.
- Our lost and found policy is as follows:
- Valuables (keys, jewelry, phone, wallet, glasses, etc.) are kept for up to three months.
- Swimsuits are kept for up to 72 hours.
- Non-valuables (water bottles, swim caps, goggles, clothing, etc.) are kept until the end of business day.
- Members must wipe down equipment before and after use.
- Reservations are required for group exercise and water exercise classes but are not required to use the fitness center.
- Effective June 28, 2021, reservations are longer be required for member lap swim.
- Towel service is available as of July 5, 2021.
- Pool and water cleaning systems are fastidiously maintained, including disinfection with chlorine. A UV filtration system also disinfects our pools.
- BioOx air purification system installed on the pool deck removes chlorine particles and improves air quality. The recently installed CASPR air filtration system neutralizes aerosolized viruses, including COVID-19.
- Youth participants exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 are promptly removed from activity and isolated. A parent or guardian will be contacted to pick the child up immediately. Return-to-program policies consistent with general Asphalt Green return policies listed above.
- Should an athlete or coach contract COVID-19 during the course of a season or program, we will notify anyone at Asphalt Green who had close contact* with them. Those people will be isolated from the facility for a minimum of five days and until their symptoms have resolved. Participants may return when the above conditions are met, and they are 100% symptom-free.
- Coaches and athletes are encouraged to sanitize hands prior to sessions.
- Shared amenities are now available in locker rooms (lotion, deodorant, hair spray and gel, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, blow dryers, and tissues).
- Asphalt Green upgraded its HVAC air filtration system with CASPR (Continuous Air and Surface Pathogen Reduction) technology, the same system that services general surgery units in hospitals, and MERV 13 filters, which is the standard set by the State.
- New, more thorough and frequent cleaning and sanitization procedures and schedule in place. Our cleaning vendor, Safety Facility Services, is an industry leader who services hospital, commercial and education clients, among others. Safety has updated all of its protocols in light of COVID-19 and is utilizing the highest standard of cleaning and disinfecting.
- High-traffic areas are sanitized hourly.
- EPA-registered disinfectants, which are designated effective against the COVID-19, are used for all continuous and deep-cleaning processes.
- Disposable cloths and pre-moistened disinfectant wipes are utilized to avoid potential cross contamination and spread of bacteria/viruses.
- Next generation electrostatic handheld and back-pack sprayers, which efficiently attack microbes, are used to fully disinfect all areas of the facility on a nightly basis.
- The following cleaning agents are used:
- Pearl Drop Hand Soap
- Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer
- Claire Stainless Steel Cleaner
- Fresh Floral Odor Counteractant
- Ajax Cleaner
- Yellow Dust Cloths
- Spartan Super HDQL Mildewstat / Pro-Link Grout Cleaner
- Eucalyptus Steam Room Cleaner
- Elite Hi-Con Disinfectant and Deodorizer
- Elite Fresh Breeze Disinfectant Restroom Cleaner
- OxiPlus Peroxide Disinfectant
- Tile Brite Mold & Mildew Remover
- No-touch hand sanitizer dispensers are available in all high-traffic areas, including lobbies and fitness centers.
- Visitors agree in writing to notify Asphalt Green, via, if they test positive for COVID-19. Program and team participants must contact their program manager or head coach. Members must notify their respective campus:
- Upper East Side:
- Battery Park City:
- If a visitor tests positive for COVID-19, Asphalt Green will immediately notify all other visitors who are determined to have been in close contact* with the infected person. Asphalt Green will also send notifications as recommended by New York State and City guidelines.
- As of May 23, 2022, all individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for a minimum of five days before returning to Asphalt Green.
- Visitors experiencing symptoms should be completely symptom-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to Asphalt Green.
- Monitor your symptoms. As long as you are symptom-free you may continue to visit Asphalt Green. Help keep our community safe, do not come to Asphalt Green if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are mild, including a cough or sore throat. If you think you have COVID-19, please get tested. View our COVID-19 visitor guidelines at a glance here.
- Effective June 28, 2021, visitors will no longer be required to complete a health questionnaire before every visit.
- Asphalt Green’s site-safety monitor intakes reporting of positive COVID-19 cases and ensures that all COVID-19 safety procedures are being followed.
* Close contact is defined as having been within less than 6 feet from an infected person for a cumulative of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.