Before you dive deep into the latest fall fitness trends, ask yourself a simple question: What realistic goals can you set for yourself this fall?  

Separating long-term fitness goals, such as losing significant weight or completing a marathon, into smaller, seasonal benchmarks can keep you motivated and on track. While we all hope to cross the finish line, smaller goals teach us to appreciate and celebrate the journey.  

To help you brainstorm ideas for what you can strive for in the next three months, take a look at our sample list of seasonal goals. And for even more support, consider booking a session with us to collaborate on your goals and build a custom training program with any one of our pro trainers.  

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Fall Fitness Goals You Can Achieve in Three Months   

1. Add Weight or Difficulty to Your Lifts 

If you strength train consistently 3-4 times per week, there are plenty of ways you can adjust your lifts to increase your strength this fall.  

The first, and more obvious answer, is to gradually add weight to your lifts on upper-body exercises like the bench press, shoulder press, and more. However, you can also add more sets or repetitions with the same weight, hold weight for a longer period under tension, or perform the exercise at the end of your workout when you are more fatigued. With consistent practice, any method you choose will help you progress with your strength training by the end of fall!  

PRO TIP: It’s important to note that different exercises take varying amounts of time to progress with more weight. For example, adding weight to a power lift is more attainable than adding weight to a bicep curl..


2. Improve Consistency by Exercising One More Day Per Week 

Consistency is key to any fitness routine. If you’re currently working out three times a week, challenge yourself to add one more day. This additional workout could be a different activity, like yoga, cycling, swimming, or a bodyweight workout, to keep things fresh and exciting. By making this small adjustment, you’ll not only reach new milestones along your fitness journey, but also diversify your arsenal of workouts to keep things fresh.  


3. Master a New Skill or Exercise 

Fall is the perfect time to challenge yourself with more advanced workouts and exercises. This can include advancing toward mastering the pull-up without assistance, single leg squats, or adding time to your typical plank.  For some more inspiration, you can also review the exercise progressions between our Beginner’s Guide to the TRX and Advanced Guide to the TRX.


4. Implement Mobility Exercises Into Your Routine  

Mobility exercises are essential for improving joint health, reducing injury, and improving quality of life. Unlike static stretching, mobility drills focus on controlled movements that empower you to move freely and efficiently.  

This fall, set a goal to integrate mobility exercises into your routine 3-4 times a week. These can include dynamic stretches, hip openers, shoulder rotations, and foam rolling. By regularly practicing mobility, you’ll increase your range of motion, reduce stiffness, and support better posture and movement patterns. After three months, you’ll notice greater ease in performing your workouts and reduce your risk of injury as you progress through your workouts.  


Get More Tips and Guides from Our Fitness Experts!  

If you liked our seasonal goals guide, there are plenty of other tips we can send your way. Gain access to our trainers’ full list of upper body, lower body, and core exercise guides for fitness enthusiasts of all skill levels by signing up below!